60 Famous Personalities Who Astounded The Globe With Their Remarkable Weight Loss Journeys


Should you be seeking motivation for weight loss, you’ve come to the perfect spot. The resolve and transformation of these sixty celebrities, once scorned for their weight, left everyone in disbelief. They emerged more robust and set an example of triumph over adversity.

You can likewise utilize their tales to motivate and reshape your life. After all, you’re certainly capable of what they’ve achieved. Therefore, here are sixty celebrities whose remarkable weight loss transformations left everyone astonished.

1. Rebel Wilson

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In recent years, Rebel Wilson has become extremely conscientious about her health. Last year, she pledged to her followers that her health would become a priority, a promise she has honoured. Wilson has been disciplined, hitting the gym every day of the week and rigorously adhering to her “no days off” regimen.

Judging by the transformation, Wilson’s commitment and dedication towards a healthy lifestyle are doing wonders for her. She has cut out junk food, increased her water intake, and started exercising. That is a transformation recipe we all need if we want to lose weight efficiently.

2. Kelly Clarkson

best celebrity weight loss transformations: kelly clarkson

Kelly Clarkson didn’t initiate her journey with weight loss in mind, but rather due to her grappling with thyroid and autoimmune disorders which resulted in weight gain. Nevertheless, she stumbled upon a book entitled The Plant Paradox, which ended up being a life-changer for her.

The book discusses the importance of removing lectin-rich foods from one’s diet to avoid inflammation. Clarkson adopted this approach due to her thyroid issues and it has dramatically transformed her life. She managed to shed weight and no longer requires her medication. Undoubtedly, she’s benefitted positively from this approach in every way.

3. Khloe Kardashian

Khloe was always known as the “fat sister” among the Kardashians. She was always insecure about her weight because the public never spared any opportunity to comment on her weight. After that, the Kardashian family asked her to shed some pounds.

Nonetheless, the trigger for her weight loss revolution was her split from Lamar Odom. After all, what better way to get back at an ex than to flaunt an amazing body, something Khloe accomplished perfectly. She chronicled her progress, and presently, she aids others in their weight loss transformations through her program.

4. Jonah Hill

If you’ve watched Superbad, you’ll undoubtedly recognize Jonah Hill. It’s true, his remarkable transformation hadn’t yet occurred during that period, but today, Jonah is at his personal best. He embarked on his weight loss journey in 2011, and since then, he has shed over thirty pounds.

The celebrity initiated his transformation journey for his film, 21 Jump Street, seeking an improved appearance. Through diligent efforts in diet and workouts, he aimed at swift weight loss. The significant change in Jonah’s physical appearance is testament to his dedication and hard work.

5. Melissa McCarthy

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If you were an avid viewer of Gilmore Girls during your teenage years, you’ve probably come across McCarthy. She had a hard time shedding pounds due to her tendency to overthink and scrutinize every detail. Her journey of transformation kicked off when she shifted her focus from excessive thinking to more action.

She has lost over seventy-five pounds throughout her experience, and she has never appeared more stunning. Her experience serves as a motivator, illustrating that actions speak louder than thoughts when aiming for results. This principle can be applied for personal transformation, whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional.

6. Adele

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Adele shocked the entertainment world this year by revealing her dramatic transformation on social media. The drastic change left everyone astonished as Adele had maintained a distinct look for many years. Regardless, it’s a change that she has earned and deserved over time.

According to Adele’s trainer, the transformation was not easy. The singer loved to eat junk such as sugar, processed foods, and much more. Of course, she had to give all this up to achieve this transformation.

Initially, the journey was tough, however Adele persevered and remained focused for an extensive period. During this transformation, she shed over a hundred pounds, a feat deserving of recognition due to her incredible determination and commitment.

7. Ed Sheeran

Ed Sheeran's Weight Loss: Quit Smoking & More — Before & After Photos –  Hollywood Life

Yes, your favorite singer also went through a weight loss transformation. Ed Sheeran lost more than fifty pounds during his change. Sheeran’s primary aim was to give his lungs a break as he was in the habit of smoking. This habit took a toll on his stamina and his health.

Sheeran began jogging with the aim of increasing his endurance, but initially, he wasn’t able to sustain it beyond ten minutes. Despite that, he persistently trained, and has now reached a point where he can run smoothly for forty-five minutes. The noticeable change has resulted in significant weight loss and a healthier way of living.

8. Christina Aguilera

Clothing, Fashion model, Dress, Shoulder, Fashion, Purple, Cocktail dress, Performance, Joint, Gown,

Around eight years ago, Christina Aguilera successfully shed over fifty pounds. She decided to take a break from her professional commitments to concentrate on her mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. It was within this period that she got rid of the excess weight and has since been enjoying the best body confidence she’s ever had.

Aguilera doesn’t adhere to any specific diet or workout regimen. Rather, she consistently experiments with various foods and physical activities. The reason for this lies in her belief in diversification for the body and responding to its needs. So far, this approach has been successful for her and could potentially be effective for you. Pay attention to what your body requires and provide it, as this could be your pathway to better health.

9. Mariah Carey

Clothing, Dress, Singer, Performance, Hairstyle, Shoulder, Blond, Music artist, Singing, Long hair,

All Mariah Carey wants for Christmas is a great figure, and she has achieved that slowly and steadily. The singer doesn’t follow trendy diets because she thinks that one should focus on the essentials. Doing this has worked out for her because she has lost significant weight over time.

The secret to Carey’s weight loss is that she eats small meals and snacks throughout the day. Besides that, she hits the gym at least three to four times a week. Making these small changes has allowed her to have a great figure and maintain it for a long time.

10. America Ferrera

America Ferrera Looks Amazing After Losing 30 lbs - PK Baseline- How Celebs  Get Skinny and Other Celebrity News

America Ferrera is best recognized for her performance in Ugly Betty. When she embarked on her journey, her objective wasn’t weight loss. Rather, she aspired to push her limits and see to what extent she could go.

She consistently doubted her abilities to run quickly, swim proficiently, or engage in many activities. Despite these uncertainties, she persisted and reshaped her story. Naturally, this journey resulted in significant weight loss, and she now appears more stunning than ever before. A pivotal point in her journey was when she committed to training for a triathlon, an effort that contributed greatly to her weight loss.

11. Ariel Winter

Clothing, Dress, Shoulder, Neck, Cocktail dress, Joint, Fashion model, Hairstyle, Fashion, Sheath dress,

Ariel Winter had been grappling with weight loss for some time. Despite her regular gym workouts, her medication’s effects hindered any visible progress. She was also battling depression during this period. Nonetheless, she made the decision to find a more suitable medication that would contribute not only to her mental health but also enhance her physical fitness.

After modifying her medications, she made a striking appearance on the red carpet, showcasing her weight loss. The event took everyone aback, and Winter confessed she had never felt more confident. The shift in her medications wasn’t primarily for weight loss, but it proved to be an unexpected boon.

12. Teddie Mellencamp

Hair, Clothing, Pink, Hairstyle, Blond, Skin, Neck, Beauty, Fashion, Long hair,

For a significant period, Mellencamp grappled with weight issues. Her demanding career led to her piling on over eighty pounds. The challenge of shedding the weight became even steeper after the birth of her child.

She did not give up and persisted even though she was not seeing results for a long time. Of course, her luck changed, and all her hard work paid off. She has lost all her weight, and she now looks more stunning than ever. If you also struggle with weight loss, then don’t give up. Your time will also come.

13. Jordin Sparks


Jordin Sparks underwent a substantial change following her appearance on American Idol. She admitted to habitually overeating out of sheer love for how food tasted, consuming more than her body actually needed. Nevertheless, from that point forward, she deliberately improved her dietary practices.

Jordin began her transformation by incorporating exercise, adopting a healthy diet, and crucially, she learned to stop eating the moment she felt nearing satiety. She abides by these practices even now to keep her weight in check and look her finest. She shed over fifty pounds during this process, setting an example for us about the significance of moderate eating.

14. Chris Pratt


Did you know that at one time, Chris Pratt used to weigh more than three-hundred pounds? Yes, you heard that right. He did not always look like he had the perfect body because he didn’t. However, not many people are familiar with this.

Of course, ever since then, he has lost considerable weight. He followed the Danial Fast, worked with his trainer, and also took help from his nutritionist. He followed whatever they said and tried to incorporate his own ideas to lose weight. Now, he looks like a superhero figure, and after seeing him, one can’t tell that he used to be obese.

15. Randy Jackson

best celebrity weight loss transformations: randy jackson

Randy Jackson had consistently struggled with obesity. Tired of his weight holding him back, he chose to take charge of his situation. He underwent gastric bypass surgery twenty years ago to help him lose weight. Although the surgery was beneficial, he opted to become more proactive in his personal weight loss journey.

Jackson began paying closer attention to his body’s signals and identifying his hunger routines, enabling him to eat more thoughtfully. In addition, he started inventing nutritious versions of his most liked foods, facilitating him to relish his preferred meals. Above all, he purchased a treadmill and initiated a daily running routine, which ultimately resulted in significant weight loss.

16. Shonda Rhimes

Clothing, Dress, Shoulder, Formal wear, Joint, Cocktail dress, Gown, Fashion, Hairstyle, Fashion model,

Losing 150 pounds is not easy, but Shonda Rhimes made it look like a breeze. However, this realization did not come easy to her. Rhime’s health and stamina were being affected because of her weight. She could not walk for long or go up a flight of stairs without breaking out in sweats.

It was at this point that Rhimes understood she needed to transform her lifestyle. This realization sparked the beginning of her journey towards a healthier way of life. Now, by heeding the needs of her body and giving it the care it deserved from the start, she is happier and healthier than ever.

17. John Goodman

best celebrity weight loss transformations: john goodman

Were you aware that John Goodman once tipped the scale at a whopping four hundred pounds? Astonishingly, he had reached extreme levels of obesity. He was oblivious to his substantial weight gain until it dawned on him. It was then that Goodman resolved to radically alter his lifestyle. His initial move towards transformation was abstaining from alcohol.

After that, Goodman hired a trainer, started eating clean, and made many other drastic changes to his lifestyle. He has lost more than a hundred pounds and has kept it off since then. Goodman’s story makes us realize that all we need is to make up our minds, take action, and the results will follow.

18. Jimmy Kimmel

best celebrity weight loss transformations: jimmy kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel has not always had a svelte and healthy figure. In his career’s early days, he tipped the scales at over 200 pounds, but he has since slimmed down to 180 pounds. This considerable transformation occurred because Kimmel began practicing intermittent fasting even before it gained popularity as a trend.

Kimmel adopted a strategy where he restricted his intake to under five hundred calories for two days each week. This technique assisted him in losing his excess weight, and he continues to do it to keep his weight in check. So, if you’re searching for a successful weight loss method, consider trying intermittent fasting.

19. Snooki


Snooki held onto some baby weight after delivering her handsome little boy. However, she managed to shed over forty pounds post-birth, creating a spectacular transformation that leaves many astounded. Snooki expressed that her efforts to improve her physique were mainly for her own benefit as she wanted to enhance her personal well-being.

Undergoing this transformation was challenging. Snooki underwent numerous alterations in her way of life. She initiated regular exercise four times a week, alongside adapting to a healthier diet. This dramatic alteration is clearly evident in her physique, making her appear more dazzling than before. The reality television personality never misses a chance to flaunt her body post her impressive weight loss.

20. Miranda Lambert

best celebrity weight loss transformations: miranda lambert

Miranda Lambert was already in good shape, but her physique improved significantly when she shed twenty pounds several years prior. Her remarkable transformation was clearly noticeable when she graced the red carpet, leaving everyone in awe. Nonetheless, understanding what suits her body didn’t happen overnight.

Lambert announced that her weight loss was not the result of trendy dieting, but rather, a transition to healthier living habits. This included increasing her intake of fruits and vegetables, and reducing her carbohydrate consumption. Further to that, she incorporated more physical activity into her daily routine, enabling her to rapidly shed her excess weight.

21. Kirstie Alley

best celebrity weight loss transformations: kirstie alley

Kirstie Alley’s journey was never linear. Her weight kept going up and down, and she struggled with it for a long time. Ten years ago, she lost more than a hundred pounds. However, after a short while, she gained some of those pounds back.

Following this achievement, her efforts intensified, leading to an additional loss of fifty pounds. The reshaping journey wasn’t straightforward, yet through gradual adjustments to her way of living, it came to fruition. She began biking around the city, monitoring her caloric intake, eliminating fats and sugars from her diet, and concentrating on portion size management. If weight loss is a challenge for you, employing these strategies may prove beneficial.

22. Janet Jackson

Hair, Clothing, Purple, Beauty, Hairstyle, Fashion, Violet, Lip, Long hair, Shoulder,

Janet Jackson began a strenuous exercise regimen a month after giving birth to her child. She began training four times a week, with each session ranging from forty-five minutes to one hour. Her trainer oversaw her intense training sessions, ensuring she shed all the baby weight.

Jackson managed to shed over seventy pounds in just a few months. Her remarkable weight loss was the result of rigorous weight training. She made substantial dietary changes as well, consuming cleaner, healthier food. Adopting a healthier overall lifestyle played a huge part too. Furthermore, her long hours of stage dancing significantly amplified her weight loss efforts.

23. Kelly Osbourne

https://www.usmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/1398936506_kelly-osbourne-zoom.jpg?w=800&quality=86&strip=allTwo significant challenges pervaded Kelly Osbourne’s life: substance abuse and being overweight. She claims that society was harsher on her regarding her weight than her drug dependence. Upon exiting rehabilitation, she committed herself to introduce changes, resulting in a weight loss exceeding forty pounds.

Osbourne began following a consistent workout routine and managing her food intake. Self-esteem had always been a challenge for her and she would often feel dissatisfied with her reflection. However, after shedding weight, she found a sense of comfort with her physical appearance and began to appreciate her image in the mirror.

24. Jessica Simpson

best celebrity weight loss transformations: jessica simpson

Jessica Simpson was recently pregnant, and she lost over a hundred pounds just months after she gave birth to her baby. Many wonder how she lost all that weight quickly, but Simpson didn’t keep her weight loss tips a secret. Simpson’s trainer gave her a daily checklist of five things that she had to focus on.

Five activities that contributed to Simpson’s rapid weight loss include: consuming three main meals and two snacks daily, achieving a twelve thousand step goal, exercising three to four times a week, and securing a minimum seven hours of sleep. These tactics might be beneficial for your weight loss journey as well.

25. Carrie Underwood

Clothing, Fashion model, Fashion, Dress, Carpet, Leg, Red carpet, Footwear, Flooring, Gown,

Carrie Underwood didn’t initiate a workout regime to shed pounds. The motivation behind it was to elevate her mood and overall well-being, especially when she was feeling down. After her second child was born, she recognized a notable decrease in her gym capabilities. Instead of pushing against this, she chose to express gratitude for her body’s continued abilities, even post-delivery.

Since then, she has made working out a regular part of her routine and follows a vegan diet. All of this doesn’t just affect her body, but her mind as well, which is why she is consistent with it.

26. Simon Cowell

best celebrity weight loss transformations: simon cowell

Four years ago, Simon Cowell experienced a profound awakening when he blacked out and tumbled down the stairs. It was at this juncture he comprehended the need to modify his way of living and to prioritize his health. During this period, he was grappling with the issue of low blood pressure and resolved to make necessary adjustments in his dietary habits.

Cowell eliminated various items from his diet such as dairy, sugar, meat, and wheat, among other things. These dietary adjustments subsequently improved his overall wellbeing and also resulted in weight loss. His primary goal was to improve his mental and physical health, and the weight loss was just an unexpected perk that accompanied these alterations.

27. Missy Elliott

Black hair, Fashion accessory, Jewellery, Style,

A decade ago, Missy Elliott publicly disclosed her battle with an autoimmune disease influencing her thyroid, which consequently contributes to her weight gain. Losing weight is particularly challenging for her due to the illness. Nevertheless, for the recent three years, she has embraced a new lifestyle that significantly aids in managing her condition and has resulted in weight reduction.

Missy has made significant adjustments to her diet, removing things like soft drinks, bread, and juices, among other things. She now solely drinks water, an entirely new behavior for her. It’s no surprise that her dedicated efforts have yielded profound results in terms of her weight loss.

28. Drew Barrymore

best celebrity weight loss transformations: drew barrymore

Did you know that Drew Barrymore lost almost thirty pounds in three months? Yes, that is how fast she shed all those extra pounds. However, it didn’t happen magically. Barrymore had to put a lot of effort and persevere through challenges to lose so much weight.

Barrymore embarked on a fitness journey, implemented a strict diet, and established an intensive routine that aided her in shedding pounds. She now presents a more glamorous and healthier appearance than before. Her transformation was possible through perseverance, relentless effort, and patience, a valuable insight for those who are striving on a similar path to lose weight.

29. Action Bronson


If a trophy existed for the most weight shed by a celebrity, Action Bronson would undeniably secure it. Bronson eliminated nearly 130 pounds from his frame in just nine short months, utilizing the pandemic period to concentrate on personal growth and health. His relentless effort yielded successful results.

Bronson had shed almost 130 pounds by the close of 2020, looking better than ever. His journey emphasizes that even in a pandemic, maintaining physical and mental wellbeing shouldn’t be overlooked. In fact, these challenging periods necessitate more attention to health and fitness than usual.

30. Al Roker

best celebrity weight loss transformations: al roker

At one point, Al Roker tipped the scales at nearly 350 pounds. Given his significantly high weight, he chose to undertake a weight loss surgery followed by adhering to a balanced diet and vigorous exercise regime. Post-surgery, Al managed to knock off around 150 pounds. He then decided to implement lifestyle modifications to keep the weight off.

Presently, Al Roker utilizes physical activity and nutritious eating habits to shed additional pounds and sustain it over a prolonged period. He adheres to a high-protein, low-carb dietary regimen for optimal weight loss outcomes.

32. Ross Matthews


Ross Matthews astounded everyone with his remarkable weight loss only four months ago. The transformation left many in a state of surprise and admiration for Matthews’ new appearance. Following the death of his mother early last year, Matthews experienced a moment of profound realisation. He resolved to prioritize his health and control his future wellbeing.

Following this, Matthews implemented rigorous lifestyle alterations and began his weight loss journey. He experiences a significant improvement in his well-being, self-esteem, and is fond of his transformed physique. Above all, he is exceedingly thankful for the improved health status he achieved after years of neglecting his body’s well-being.

33. Carnie Wilson

best celebrity weight loss transformations: carnie wilson

Carnie Wilson didn’t employ traditional methods for weight loss. She was previously classified as obese and made the decision to undergo surgical procedures to shed her excess weight. Initially, she opted for gastric bypass surgery 21 years ago. Subsequently, she underwent another surgical process called lap-band surgery about nine years ago.

After both these surgeries, Wilson has lost more than 150 pounds. However, she now follows a healthy lifestyle to maintain that weight because she does not want to regain it. Wilson’s transformation may not be natural, but it is worthy of applaud.

34. Adrienne Bailon


For those who have watched Cheetah Girls, Adrienne Bailon is a familiar face. Since her appearance in the show, she has shed a perceptible amount of weight. She embarked on her fitness journey a while ago and was even able to maintain her momentum despite the pandemic. Bailon is dedicated to practicing self-control, aiming to further foster this habit to achieve her ambitions.

Rather than adhering to popular diet fads, Bailon has dedicated herself to developing wholesome routines in her life. She exercises, maintains a clean diet, enjoys reading, ensures adequate rest, and attends to her body’s requirements. All of these actions have contributed to her shedding over twenty pounds.

35. Drew Carey

best celebrity weight loss transformations: drew carey

Drew Carry is afflicted with diabetes which necessitated modifications to his lifestyle in order to manage the condition and shed some pounds. The primary sacrifice he made for his wellbeing was the cessation of alcohol consumption. Now, Carry has drastically reduced his drinking habits, only indulging infrequently.

Carry made several other important alterations like reducing his carbohydrate intake, exercising for a minimum of forty-five minutes, and adopting a clean eating regimen. All these transformative steps enabled Carry to shed over one hundred pounds. He has been remarkably successful in keeping this weight off for the past 11 years.

36. Katie Maloney


Last year, Katie Maloney flaunted her weight loss during the Season 8 reunion of Vanderpump Rules. She made her journey public to her social media followers and stressed the importance of regularly monitoring one’s health. Originally, Katie had suspicions that her inability to shed weight stemmed from thyroid issues.

Maloney later found out that her elevated glucose levels were the reason behind her health issues. This led her to make the necessary adjustments, which resulted in a significant weight loss of over twenty pounds. Her experience teaches us the importance of maintaining a regular health check-up. This not only enables you to lead a healthier life but also helps you make informed choices about your well-being.

37. Shannon Beador

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Weight loss is not always a result of a desire to improve health. In some cases, personal hardship or pain can prompt it, as was the case for Shannon Beador. Following her divorce two years prior, she experienced a significant weight reduction.

Despite initially shedding pounds due to her challenging situation, Shannon resolved to take control of her own destiny. She maintains a regular fitness routine and prioritizes a nutritious diet. The end of her marriage led to the epiphany that deep personal growth is vital. Ever since, she has focused on nurturing both her mental and physical wellbeing, and this has led her to look and feel better than ever.

38. Gabourey Sidibe

best celebrity weight loss transformations: gabrielle sidibe

Gabourey Sidibe made several attempts over the years to shed weight, but her efforts were hindered by her diabetes. Eventually, she chose bariatric surgery as a solution amidst numerous obstacles. However, Sidibe acknowledged that even surgery wasn’t a straightforward solution for weight loss. Regardless, she proceeded with it, ensuring to adjust her lifestyle alongside.

Sidibe started eating healthy, and she has made exercise a part of her routine now. She follows a diet that helps her manage her diabetes not to gain any more weight. According to Sidibe, if she didn’t go for the surgery, she would not have lost much weight.

39. Briana Culberson

Hair, Photograph, Clothing, Bride, Beauty, Blond, Wedding dress, Dress, Outerwear, Fashion,

Briana Culberson and her husband both embarked on a path to losing weight, and together they managed to lose nearly 110 pounds. Their formula for success? They adopted the keto diet.

Briana and her spouse initiated their keto journey quite unsure of the potential results. However, they ended up witnessing the significant benefits and now, they are staunch advocates of this dietary regimen. Their devotion to it is unwavering and they consistently enlighten others to adopt it for their well-being. To get more insight into their experience and know more about keto, follow their social media handles.

40. Jorge Nava


Jorge Nava managed to shed over 120 pounds, and impressively, he did so while incarcerated. Therefore, if he could commit to weight loss in prison, what reason do you have for missing your gym session today?

Nava’s transformation is an inspiration that there is no excuse for taking off from the gym. You will only get results when you work hard on your body and dedicate yourself to getting healthier. His transformation is so stunning that his ex-wife also felt a tinge of jealousy because of the immense attention he was getting from the public.

41. Daphne Oz

Clothing, Waist, Shoulder, Blond, Sportswear, Abdomen, Crop top, Jeans, yoga pant, Trunk,

Daphne Oz is a mother of four, with her youngest being born four years ago. During that period, she was experiencing postpartum depression. However, she found solace in exercising, taking great pleasure in the feeling it gave her. The physical activity eventually became a vital remedy for her during such adversity.

Oz also lost all her baby weight and has shared her postpartum workouts with her followers on social media. If you’re also going through something similar, then don’t give up. Consistency and hard work will always pay off, even if it takes longer.

42. Jennifer Hudson

best celebrity weight loss transformations: jennifer hudson

Jennifer Hudson, an actress, vocalist, and former participant on American Idol, successfully shed over eight pounds following her stint on the show and has managed to keep it off since. A key aspect of her weight loss success has been portion control.

Hudson is exceedingly conscious about her diet, which is why she always opts for the healthiest food choices and ensures she doesn’t consume more than her body actually needs. Additionally, she regularly attends the gym several times a week to maintain her physique and always look her prime.

43. Lauren Alaina

Clothing, Orange, Dress, Blond, Hairstyle, Fashion model, Fashion, Neck, Long hair, Carpet,

Do you want to know Lauren Alaina’s secret to weight loss? It was dancing. She was on Dancing with the Stars, and she danced all her weight away in no time. Before this, she had also appeared on the American Idol. Alaina was one of the leading stars on the show, and she was also the one to lose the most weight.

Alaina shed over twenty-five pounds solely due to dancing, and you can achieve the same. If dancing is your passion, then put on your dancing shoes and dance your way to weight loss. You’ll be grateful to Alaina and us down the line.

44. June Shannon

best celebrity weight loss transformations: mama june

If you’re familiar with the show Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, then you definitely know Mama June. She underwent gastric sleeve surgery and managed to lose over three hundred pounds. Unbelievably, you haven’t misread that. Her significant weight loss was a result of this surgery.

Since then, Mama June has started exercising and keeping an eye on her food intake to preserve her hard-earned weight loss. Attaining a desirable weight was a huge challenge for her due to her severe obesity, but the surgery presented an opportunity for her to fulfill her ambitions of becoming slim.

All who witnessed Mama June’s transformation were taken aback, and the same would apply to you. Her weight loss was a spectacle that suited her exceptionally well.

45. Art Smith


Smith managed to shed over seventy pounds in fewer than three months – an achievable feat with hard work and commitment. During the pandemic lockdown, Smith went through this weight loss journey. Guided by his friend, who is an athlete and trainer, Smith stayed on the right track and achieved his weight loss goal.

Smith’s friend was his mentor and helped him persevere through the pandemic. His journey gives us a lesson about the company we keep. If you have people that support you and want you to do your best, you will end up making the best changes in your life.

46. Marie Osmond

best celebrity weight loss transformations: marie osmond

Marie Osmond had a taste of the famous life from an early age. However, it wasn’t right for her at the time because her self-esteem had hit an all-time low at such an early age. Osmond struggled with bulimia and tried lots of trendy diets to lose weight but to no avail.

One day, Osmond resolved that her unhealthy lifestyle had gone on long enough and chose to follow a healthier path for weight loss. She found her salvation in dancing when she became a participant on Dancing with the Stars. Throughout this period, she focused on improving her mental and physical health, ultimately managing to shed her excess weight.

47. Kate Hudson

Clothing, Shoulder, Crop top, Waist, Yellow, Dress, Abdomen, Sportswear, Joint, Fashion,

Following the birth of her third child two years ago, Kate Hudson noticed a substantial increase in her weight. To manage her health and regain her fitness, she turned to the WW program. While she continues to enjoy her favorite foods, she does so in a mindful manner.

Hudson disregards all prevailing trends and weight loss misconceptions. She experiments with everything in order to figure out what suits her the most. During this process, she has gained extensive knowledge about food and its impact on her. This experience serves as a reminder that it is always better to find what suits you best rather than trying to conform to popular beliefs.

48. Mo’Nique

best celebrity weight loss transformations: monique

Mo’Nique recently revealed that she has worked incredibly hard to lose weight. It is the first time in her adult life that her weight has been below two hundred pounds, and she couldn’t be happier about it. She has made immense lifestyle changes and worked hard to lose all this weight.

Mo’Nique used dance as a way to lose weight. Besides this, she has switched to raw foods and follows a healthy diet so that her body can get all the nutrients it needs. She has never felt better, and she wants to help other people on this journey too.

49. Sherri Shepherd

Clothing, Dress, Purple, Fashion, Fashion design, Cocktail dress, Event, Lace wig, Fashion accessory, Long hair,

Numerous celebrities have found success with keto throughout the years. Sherri Shepherd embarked on the keto journey two years ago and managed to shed thirty pounds within a few months. In addition to that, her healthy eating habits and participation in Zumba helped her to further reduce her weight in the recent past.

The increase in Shepherd’s activity levels due to her weight loss has significantly amplified her energy. Nevertheless, her energetic son has also had a substantial impact. Given his high energy levels, Shepherd is required to match his pace. This combination of factors has led to her noticeable weight loss over the years.

50. Ricki Lake

best celebrity weight loss transformations: ricki lake

Thanks to a significant lifestyle change, Ricki Lake has lost almost 150 pounds, and she has kept this weight off for more than ten years now. If that is now a fantastic achievement, we don’t know what is. Her secret to weight loss is controlling her portions.

Lake is extremely conscious about her diet. Even when she indulges in a cheat meal or day, she ensures that she doesn’t repeat it the following day and sticks to her necessary diet. This exercise of self-control has helped her shed a noticeable amount of weight, making her look remarkable.

51. Roseanne Barr

Clothing, Orange, Outerwear, Fashion, Suit, Blazer, Overcoat, Street fashion, Jacket, Event,

Roseanne Barr has never shied away from discussing her weight issues. In her quest for quick weight loss, she underwent a gastric bypass surgery twenty years ago. This operation resulted in a remarkable weight loss of over eighty pounds. However, she viewed the surgery merely as a catalyst for her ongoing journey to improve.

After Barr’s surgery, she has been using other means to lose weight. She regularly exercises and tries to eat right, which has led to significant weight loss as well since the surgery. Her transformation wowed everyone, and she looks her best right now.

52. Busta Rhymes

Busta Rhymes Celebrities’ Weight Loss and Transformations: Before and After Pictures

It’s apparent that Busta Rhymes experienced an amazing transformation. His successful weight loss, revealed just before few months, was astonishing and surprised his entire fan base. He embarked on this health journey amidst the pandemic, emerging not just physically fit but also mentally fortified.

Busta Rhymes told his fans that he is there to inspire them and push them further to reach all their goals. If you want to learn about dedication, commitment, and focus, there is no better way to learn about it than Busta Rhymes’s weight loss transformation.

53. Andy Cohen

best celebrity weight loss transformations: andy cohen

Andy Cohen successfully shed over twelve pounds within a span of three months. His key to weight loss? He incorporated healthier food options into his diet and eliminated alcohol. If you believe that your weight gain is linked to alcohol intake, you might want to consider giving it up too and watch how swiftly your weight starts to decrease.

The moment Cohen became a father was a pivotal point for him, leading him to decide to restructure his life. After implementing these alterations, he not only looks great, but also feels at the peak of his health. Cohen’s story serves as a testament to the profound effect small changes can have on our lives.

54. Lena Dunham

Clothing, Dress, Fashion model, Cocktail dress, Fashion, Footwear, Carpet, Leg, Fashion design, Red carpet,

It’s not always a matter of wanting a more trim figure for people who shed pounds. Sometimes, health problems can induce unintended weight loss. Lena Dunham exemplifies the latter scenario. But when people noticed her significant weight loss at a function last year, she was bombarded with queries about how she managed to drop the pounds.

At that period, Dunham was dealing with some health challenges that resulted in weight loss. It was not due to a specific diet or intense workout regimen that she slimmed down. Many people made it a significant issue, always inquiring about her methods. Hence, it’s not always a balanced routine that leads to weight loss.

55. Ryan Lochte


Lochte was embroiled in numerous controversies after participating in the 2016 games in Rio, which led him to temporarily halt his career and focus on personal development. After a hiatus of three years, he revealed to his supporters that he had shed over twenty pounds in a mere two months.

Lochte has publicly declared his preparation for the upcoming Olympics, expressing confidence in his victory. He has communicated his dedication towards personal improvement and readiness to re-enter the games. Lochte has kept his fans informed about his stringent diet and vigorous exercise routine to achieve optimum physical condition for the Olympics.

56. Melissa Joan Hart

Clothing, Red carpet, Carpet, Dress, Cocktail dress, Fashion, Premiere, Little black dress, Fashion model, Flooring,

Melissa Joan Hart experienced weight gain following childbirth. Nevertheless, she committed to a fitness routine and successfully shed over seventy-five pounds after her pregnancy. Hart credited her sister-in-law as her motivation in this weight loss journey, sharing the advice she received: looking good stems from feeling good about oneself.

Once a person begins to improve themselves, they often receive positive feedback that encourages them to continue their efforts. Yet, for Hart, it wasn’t merely the commendations that drove her to shape up. Her passion for socializing and engaging in conversations while exercising or jogging was what truly motivated her to push harder. This social factor provided her the impetus she needed to consistently aim for self-improvement.

57. Rosie O’Donnell

best celebrity weight loss transformations: rosie o'donnell

Rosie O’Donnell had her moment of realization when she suffered a heart attack nine years ago. After that, she realized it was time to make changes to her life to lead a healthier life. She started following various diets to lose weight, but none of them worked.

O’Donnell was incredibly demotivated by this time, and so she decided to opt for gastric bypass surgery. After her surgery, she lost more than seventy pounds. Since then, O’Donnell has maintained her weight by leading a healthy lifestyle. She eats clean now and tries to include more movement in her life.

58. Joe Giudice


After spending three years in prison for the crime of fraud, nobody could recognize Joe Giudice. He came out looking better than ever as he had lost more than seventy pounds during his time in prison. Joe’s daughter shared his picture on her social media, and everyone was shocked.

Not only did Joe shed pounds, but he also built up a significant amount of muscle mass. He now sports a lean, healthy physique and is in the best shape of his life. His transformation was so drastic that even his followers had a tough time recognizing him initially, as both his physique and facial features underwent an intense change.

59. Sarah Rue

Clothing, Dress, Cocktail dress, Little black dress, Neck, Shoulder, Carpet, Sheath dress, Style, Waist,

Sarah Rue has consistently had difficulties in losing weight independently. She lacks knowledge about fitness regimes and often seeks the assistance of other programs as well as individuals to aid in her weight loss journey. The struggle is what led Rue to embark on Jenny Craig, which definitely appears to have been beneficial for her.

Rue meticulously adheres to the program instructions and maintains a healthy diet. If you’re having difficulties remaining disciplined in your weight loss journey, you can also consider enrolling in a weight loss program. It can assist significantly in your weight reduction. After all, we all could use a bit of discipline at times.

60. Jenna Jameson


Jenna Jameson managed to shed over eighty pounds. The key to her successful weight reduction? She adopted a diet comprising of low carbohydrates and high protein. Additionally, she integrated intermittent fasting into her dietary regimen. Jameson remained committed and monitored her progress consistently to hold herself responsible.

On Instagram, Jameson disclosed her significant weight loss achievement, much to the astonishment of her followers. In an effort to assist others in their weight loss journeys, she revealed her diet regimen. Jameson further motivated her fans by conveying that all the effort ultimately pays off.
