Exploring Cary Grant’s Life and His Kinship


Renowned worldwide, Cary Grant was an actor par excellence. He was brought into the world as Archibald Alec Leach on January 18, 1904, in Horfield, Bristol, England, but opted for a name change later in life as he prepared to step into the limelight. Noted for his distinctive accent and unparalleled acting style, Cary was a standout exhibit in the acting arena. His unique way of delivering dialogues set him apart from his contemporaries. His film career started at a tender age and through his tenure, he presented some of the finest cinema to the world.

He Could Have Been Bond, James Bond

In 1962, he was given the chance to portray the globally known MI6 agent James Bond in the film Dr. No. However, Grant declined the offer, citing that at 58 years old, he deemed himself too advanced in years to embody the Bond character. Despite being 56, he maintained an impressive elegance and we believe he could have delivered an impressive performance as Bond. Regardless of his reasons for rejecting the role, it’s indisputable that it would have been a delight to see him take on such a role.

He Was Born In the UK

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He was a native of the United Kingdom, but as his acting profession began to flourish, he recognized the need to migrate to Hollywood, the global epicenter of show business. In 1942, at 38 years old, he secured American citizenship, which subsequently provided a significant lift to his acting career.

He Took a Lot of LSD

Cary Grant’s childhood and his life was full of tragedy. His father was an alcoholic, he was falsely told that his mother had died, he went through four divorces so there was a lot of depression and anxiety. He used to take a lot of LSD to fight depression. Even though he was a very clean man who didn’t even like to smoke. He had to take LSDs under doctor’s supervision to control his depression. It helped Grant out of his depression and he even left $10000 to the doctor in his will because he was so happy with the way the doctor had treated him.

He Never Won a Golden Globe or an Oscar

Only a few years back, Leonardo Di Caprio won his first Oscar which was great for him and all his fans. It was a long time coming. However one actor who never got to win an Oscar was Cary Grant even though he deserved it but these special awards always got away from him. He was nominated several times but never won. He was awarded an honorary Oscar in 1970. The award read, “To Cary Grant, for his unique mastery of the art of screen acting, with the respect and affection of his colleagues.”

He Was a Patriot

Cary Grant was such a big patriot that he donated his income from the movie The Philadelphia Story to the British War effort. After some years he also donated $100,000 to the US War Relief Fund which was a lot at that time. It is almost equivalent to $2 million in today’s money. This not only shows how patriotic he was but how good of a human he was.

His Teachers Remembered Him as a Troublemaker

While Cary Grant is renowned for his acting prowess, his academic life was far from commendable. His education took place at Fairfield Grammar School, where he gained a reputation as a disruptive student, consistently neglecting his assignments and causing a ruckus. A considerable part of this may be attributable to his challenging home life, marked by the absence of his mother and an alcoholic, philandering father. Nonetheless, Grant managed to rise above his circumstances, carving out a successful career from a young age, and achieving fame in his 20s.

Cary Grant’s Sexuality

Many people talk about the sexuality of Cary Grant. There were a lot of speculations about him being gay. When Jennifer was asked about it she said that she thought her father was straight. He was definitely a ladies man however due to his flirty nature he might have flirted with some men as well which may have caught some eyes and thus the rumor of him being gay started. Some of this rumor also had to be because four of the actor’s marriages failed. However the failed marriages were due to many disagreements the couples had in different things. It did not have anything to do with his sexuality.

He Was Never a Smoker

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Jennifer divulged that Cary Grant was decidedly not a smoker, having an aversion for nicotine. Upon Jennifer’s birth, Grant stepped back from the world of entertainment to devote himself entirely to fatherhood. Consequently, she never witnessed his professional endeavors personally. However, witnessing him smoking in his films induced a peculiar feeling in her due to her lack of exposure to his smoking habit in real life. This is testament to Grant’s acting prowess, as he managed to maintain a stark distinction between his personal and professional life.

He Was Very Thrifty

Cary Grant was recognized for his distinct style, but many observed that despite his stylish attire, he wasn’t interested in splurging on expensive items. He made commendable fashion statements with less costly things. Famously, he was known to remove buttons from shirts he was discarding, claiming that if these shirts were repurposed as rugs by his maid, the buttons could potentially harm his furniture. However, he didn’t shy away from or counter people labeling him as frugal. He held the belief that frugality was the rational path to take, and honestly, it’s hard to find fault with that perspective.

Cary Grant’s Daughter

Cary Grant married five times however he only has one daughter who is an exact image of her father. Not only did she inherit her father’s good looks but also his charisma and acting skills. She is a great actor in her own right. She is considered as one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood which does not come as a surprise considering the Grant genes are known for their charming good looks.

He Had an Extremely Rough Childhood

Cary had a deep affection for his daughter, striving to provide her with a wonderful upbringing and fulfilling what his own youth lacked. Hence, his daughter lived a joyful and pleasant childhood. However, Cary’s own past wasn’t as forgiving. His early years were turbulent, largely due to his father Elias who battled alcoholism. Elias often complicated life for him and his mother, causing so much distress that his mother departed when Cary was but a young boy.

Absence of His Mom

At the tender age of nine, he was informed that his mother had departed from their family to reside elsewhere. Grant, who held deep affection for his mother, was baffled about her sudden decision to desert her family and relocate. Later, he was falsely led to believe that his mother was no more. This was a mere cover-up as no one was willing to provide him with a proper explanation as to why his beloved mother decided to take up residence along the coastline.

His Mother Was Admitted In an Asylum

The truth of the matter was that his mother was institutionalized in a mental hospital by Elias, who insisted she was experiencing a severe episode of Mania. He was raised under the belief that his mother was deceased. It wasn’t until he had established himself as a prosperous actor that he discovered his mother was alive. He was 30 years old when he became aware of this, but by then, it was already too late. Upon his visit to the asylum, she failed to recognize him due to her health condition and the fact that Grant was now an adult.

He Took His Mother Out of the Asylum

Cary Grant subsequently removed his mother from the asylum. Unfortunately, Elias had passed away, leaving Cary without the opportunity to receive the explanations he sought from his father regarding his mother’s asylum placement. Following his mother’s release, Grant purchased a house for her and took on the responsibility of her care. Although he visited Elsie on a regular basis, he was deeply saddened by the circumstances that had befallen his mother.

He Was Married Multiple Times

Cary Grant experienced several marriages. It’s widely believed that Grant’s turbulent marital affairs were rooted in a troubled childhood. His inaugural walk down the aisle was with the American actress, Virginia Cherrill. Unfortunately, their union was fraught with issues and could not stand the test of time, failing to survive even a year. Their parting of ways was notably acrimonious as well.

Marrying Barbara Hutton

Grant wed Barbara Hutton in 1942, subsequent to his former wife, Virginia Cherrill. Hutton was an heiress to the affluent Woolworth Fortune, signifying her family’s significant wealth. Both Grant and Hutton had experienced divorce in their past, leading many to think that given their similar experiences and noticeable compatibility, their union would prove to be particularly enduring.

They Gave It Time And Tried To Make It Work

Hutton and Grant found great joy in each other’s company, optimistically anticipating that their nuptial bond would endure. Their bond was a matter of delight not just for them but also for the media and their admirers. They stood as a formidable duo in the Hollywood realm. They felt their affection grow deeper with each day. Just like any other couple, they too had disputes, but it appeared that their matrimonial alliance would outlast their previous ones.

Another Failed Marriage

To the fans’ surprise, the couple’s relationship was short-lived. They parted ways twice in their brief union before eventually divorcing in 1945. While they cited mental cruelty as the grounds for their divorce, both Barbara and Cary appeared to harbor affection for one another even after their legal separation. Remarkably, their friendship endured post-divorce.

Marrying Betsy Drake

When Cary Grant’s second matrimonial bond ended, he entered a third marital union with Betsy Drake. Not just a wife but a fellow actress and author, Drake provided a significant influence during a period of Grant’s career which seemed to be faltering. Her support was instrumental in rejuvenating his career. Subsequent to their wedding, Grant starred in a series of blockbuster films, with North by Northwest being one of his most iconic roles.

Love for A Younger Woman

The union between Cary Grant and Betsy Drake survived longer than his former ones, yet they ended up separating in 1962. Drake believed Grant’s interest in her was fading as he would usually opt for some television or rest after dinner, instead of investing quality time with her. The zest in their matrimony had dwindled, and, as seen in his previous two marriages, this one culminated in divorce too. Subsequently, Cary Grant found himself smitten with a significantly younger woman.

Welcoming Jennifer to His Life

Grant tied the knot with Dyan Cannon in 1965, three years after divorcing Betsy Drake. Remarkably, Cannon was 34 years Grant’s junior. In 1966, they were blessed with a lovely daughter, Jennifer, the only offspring of the late actor. Becoming a father brought immense joy to Grant; he was so elated that he even put his acting career on hold to devote himself to full-time fatherhood. This was indeed one of the highlights of his life. However, similar to his past marital relationships, this one too was short-lived and ended in 1968.

Co Parenting Was Tough At Start

Handling the responsibilities of co-parenting after a divorce can be quite challenging. In a dialogue with the NY Times, Grant shared his thoughts about his daughter and the complexity of co-parenting. He said, “Jennifer and I communicate honestly with each other. She struggles with parting from me, just as she struggles with parting from her mother. A court that can navigate this scenario needs to possess Solomon’s wisdom.” It’s undeniable that children are the ones who bear the brunt of their parents’ separation. This was evidently true for Jennifer, who dearly loved both her parents.

Working Together For The Sake Of Their Daughter

Jennifer was fortunate to have the mutual affection of her parents. Grant spoke about how he and Cannon were putting in their best efforts to find a common ground, with Jennifer as their top priority, in their co-parenting approach. He expressed his discontent with how the media distorts perceptions, using terms like ‘battling’ and ‘fighting’. He emphasized that there exist disagreements which they cannot resolve on their own, necessitating an intervention by a judge, but this doesn’t equate to any animosity.

His Biggest Regret Was Not Having More Kids

In his previous marriage, Grant intentionally chose not to have any offspring. His deepest remorse was not fathering more children. His affection for his daughter was palpable, and she was a source of joy in his life. In discussing the possibility of having more kids with an interviewer, he expressed regret and said, “Had I realized back then what I understand now; had I not been so incredibly foolish or self-centered; I would have had a clan of a hundred children and constructed a ranch to house them.”

He Was a Devoted Dad

Even though Grant lamented not having more offspring, he was an exceptional father to his daughter, Jennifer. His profound affection for her is beyond articulation. He poured all the love he could have given to the children he wished he had, into his one and only daughter, Jennifer. This sentiment was also reflected in Cary Grant’s obituary published by the NY Times. There is no denying the fact that Grant was not just an outstanding actor, but an even more remarkable father.

Big Inheritance for Family and Friends

Regrettably, the legendary Cary Grant died in 1986, leaving a considerable estate to his sole progeny. His final testament outlined that the majority of his assets and wealth be disbursed between his only daughter, Jennifer, and his surviving spouse, Barbara Harris. Jennifer was merely 20 years old when the will was enacted, and it stipulated that she would receive half of her inheritance at 30 and the remaining balance at 35. This arrangement was designed by Grant to ensure his daughter’s financial stability.

No Funeral Ceremony for Cary Grant As He Did Not Want One

The actor Cary Grant passed away in 1986 and his fortune was distributed amongst his family, friends and some employees like his book keeper. However there was no funeral ceremony held for the actor. This was according to the actor’s own wish of not having one. His family obliged and this is why he silently went away without a big event like we see these days when anyone famous passes away.

He Was Cremated: His Ashes Scattered

Many people prefer to get buried others want to get cremated. Cary Grant’s body was cremated and it is believed that his ashes were scattered over California Hills. However no one can be sure about this. This is something really personal that only his family members know and it would be good to ask them about such a personal part of their life.

What Was He Really Like

Cary Grant may have had a problem with finding love in a partner but he never had any problem loving his child. His daughter Jennifer was his happiness. Jennifer’s mother Dyan Cannon who had a really bad divorce with Cary Grant once talked about how Grant actually was. She was all praises for him as a father. She said that Grant was so good to their daughter that she never wanted or pushed her to fall out with her father. She always told her to have a good relationship with her father because she knew that no matter the type of partner he was, he was a great father.

Keeping the Family Close

When Grant and Cannon ended their marriage, their daughter was merely two years old. Custody of Jennifer, their daughter, was awarded to Cannon, while Grant had rights to visit. Despite their separation, Cannon knew that Grant was a terrific father, incapable of causing any harm to their child. Although the court had set a specific limit on visitation for Grant, Cannon permitted him to exceed this limit due to his exceptional fatherly qualities.

Co Parenting

Despite the falling out between Grant and Cannon, they ensured that their quarrels did not hinder their daughter’s upbringing. They maintained mutual respect regarding their daughter’s care. Cannon always sent a nurse with Jennifer when it was her turn to visit Grant. Once Jennifer grew older and went out with Grant, he always encouraged her to consult her mother about her curfew time. This gesture illustrated the respect they both maintained for the sake of their daughter’s well-being. Divorce can have a significant impact on children, but Grant and Cannon demonstrated that maintaining respect and prioritizing the child’s upbringing is still possible post-divorce.

Challenges of a Single Mother

Cannon acknowledged that despite being an excellent father, she wished Grant had been more involved in the parenting process. Nonetheless, she understood that he did everything he believed he could. He was simply unfamiliar with a different approach or how else he could contribute. As a result, Cannon, as a single mother, had to shoulder a heavier responsibility. But given that Jennifer grew up to be a remarkable individual, Cannon holds no regrets regarding her parenting or co-parenting experience with Cary Grant.

Jennifer Was Special For Her Dad

Jennifer held a unique place in her father’s heart, with their connection as deep as any between a father and daughter could be. In an interview with a magazine, Cannon spoke about how Jennifer is creating a TV special inspired by her father’s life. Her aim is to maintain the recollection of her father. As the only offspring of Cary Grant, the responsibility of continuing his legacy rests on her. A Stanford University graduate, Jennifer is currently pursuing acting, thereby tracing her father’s path and aiming to make him proud. As such, it’s clear that she is fervently advancing her father’s legacy in profound ways.

Jennifer Was Brought Up With Strong Values

Many children in the entertainment industry often grapple with the weight of having a well-known celebrity parent, feeling as if they live in their parents’ shadows. When questioned about whether Jennifer ever felt the heaviness of being the offspring of the renowned Cary Grant, Cannon clarified that Jennifer was cherished by both parents and had a solid sense of self. The fact that she was Cary Grant’s daughter did not impose an undue burden on her, given her upbringing was steeped in solid moral principles. While she had pride in her father’s accomplishments, she also displayed enough self-confidence to cultivate her own distinct persona.

Actor like Her Dad

Just as her father did, Jennifer also embarked on a journey in the acting industry. Her exceptional skills were demonstrated in numerous movies and television series that she participated in over time. Television roles are what she is primarily recognized for. Notable appearances include shows such as Beverly Hills 90210, and Jenny even had minor appearances in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation along with Friends. Although her career hasn’t spanned as long as her father’s, Jennifer has managed to create her own identity in the industry, mainly through her remarkable acting skills and attractive appearance.

She Is a Timeless Beauty

Cary Grant remains renowned as one of Hollywood’s most attractive men. During his youth, he was viewed as a heartthrob in Hollywood, demonstrating impressive charisma and allure. Even as he aged, he did so elegantly and preserved his graceful good looks. His daughter Jennifer, who not only inherited his knack for acting but also his captivating charm, is a testament to that. Now 55, she has aged with the same grace as her father. The undeniable power of the Grant genes is evident as Jennifer remains strikingly beautiful and elegant, even in her mid-fifties.

Honoring Her Dad and His Legacy

It was common knowledge that Cary adored his daughter immensely. His former partner would even acknowledge his exceptional fatherhood. Conversely, his affection wasn’t unrequited: his child greatly admired him too. She was not only proud of him but showed her love by making a documentary about him and named her son Cary Benjamin in honor of him. Naming one’s offspring after a person is considered one of the highest forms of respect and tribute.

Tell-All Memoir by Jennifer

In her autobiography titled Good Stuff: A Reminiscence of My Father Cary Grant, Jennifer shares numerous details about her relationship with her father. She expresses deep affection and respect towards him in the pages of her memoir.

To my perception, my father resembled an exquisite piece of art. While art connoisseurs may be inclined to deconstruct the themes and intentions behind a painting, I prefer to understand, as I have, his true nature. I stand firm in my belief that passion is the driving force at the core of every individual. In his final two decades, I was extraordinarily fortunate to personally witness and experience the vibrant passion that fueled his existence.

Jennifer Grant Became an Actress to Keep Her Father’s Legacy Alive

Cary Grant’s only child Jennifer Grant wanted to join a law firm however after her father passed away, she had this sudden urge of joining the showbiz industry. She was pulled towards it. She also loved her father’s work and since she loved it, wanted to join the industry. She knew that one of the way she could keep her father’s memory alive and carry on his legacy was to join the industry he was a big part of. So she gave up her idea of joining a law firm in San Francisco and headed to Los Angeles to start her movies career. We can only say that her father would have been really proud of her.

She Felt Grief in Waves

Jennifer Grant stated that her father’s demise significantly impacted her living. She described her sorrow as a tidal wave that essentially complicated matters. To her, her father wasn’t just a paternal figure, but also a confidant, a major support system and a guide. According to her, they spent considerable amounts of time together and it would have been wonderful to witness this father-daughter duo collaborate in the entertainment sector. Unfortunately, this is something we will never get to witness. Throughout her upbringing, she experienced no sorrow due to the affable nature of her father. Nonetheless, his death marked a shift in her emotional landscape.

Change Of Heart for the Name of Her Son

When Jennifer was pregnant with her son, one of her friends suggested to name her kid Cary. However Jennifer did not like that idea. She though that there is only one Cary Grant and there will never be anyone like him. However a week before her son was to be born, she had a change of heart and she thought that it would be good to pass on her father’s name to her son. And so she did. Her son was born in 2008 and she named him Cary Benjamin Grant.

The Similarities between Her Father and Her Son

Jennifer Grant mentioned that her son, Cary Benjamin Grant, bears a striking resemblance to her father, not just in name, but also in looks. In addition, she pointed out that her son shares his grandfather’s excellent sense of humor, as Cary Grant was famously known for his impeccable comedic timing. Jennifer feels that her son has definitely inherited this sense of humor from her father. She further noted that there are myriad similarity in characteristics between her son and her father. Currently, her son is 13 years old, and only time will reveal whether he will decide to pursue a career in the film industry and continue the legacy of Cary Grant.

Everyone Has Inspirations Even Cary Grant

Zeppo Marx of the Marx Brothers was revered as a comedy icon by Cary Grant. Despite admiring all the Marx Brothers, it was Zeppo who truly stirred his comedic genius. Recognized as one of the greatest television comedians, Cary Grant’s immense talent can be attributed, in part, to Zeppo Marx’s profound influence.

A Final Closure through Her Book

Jennifer mentioned that her self-authored book about her father provided the resolution she longed for. She conveyed that she frequently encounters individuals who share fond memories of her dad, making her feel as if he lives on through the recollections of others. When discussing her father’s sexuality, Jennifer cherished his compassion for those he deeply cared for and asserted that he held immense love for her above all.

Cary Grant’s Traumatic Past Used to Haunt Him

As we have already mentioned that Cary’s father, Elias had his mother admitted to a mental asylum so he could keep on carrying on being a womanizer. Cary was heartbroken when he found out that his mother was still alive and living in a mental asylum. Cary grant loved his daughter but his fourth ex-wife Cannon told an interviewer that even though he loved their daughter Jennifer he sometimes got afraid as it brought back memories from his childhood about how her father treated her mother and how he grew up thinking that his mother had died. His traumatic childhood experience did create problems for him but it also forced him to be a great father as he did not want to turn out as his father.

Everyone Loved Him

Cannon, the mother of Jennifer Grant also spoke about the conjectures regarding the actor’s sexuality. She stated she hadn’t observed anything indicative of him being gay. While acknowledging she was unaware of what he did in her absence, she assured that he showered her with affection whenever they were together. She was confident that their relationship involved no third person, be it a man or woman. She also highly regarded his incredible upbeat energy that made him an enjoyable company for his children, family, friends, and all others.

Carrying His Legacy

Jennifer strives diligently to uphold her father’s heritage in multiple ways. Besides her son Cary Benjamin Grant, she has a daughter, Davian Adele Grant, who is three years younger than her brother. Jennifer routinely shares tales about their renowned grandfather with both her children, with the intention that they, too, will continue to advance the Grant legacy in her stead. Her admiration and pride for her father are evident, and by keeping his memory vibrant through stories of his goodness, she’s honoring his legacy in a just manner.

Mixed Feelings about Her Dad’s Big Screen Appearances

Once, Jennifer was questioned about her emotions regarding watching her father on the wide screen. She responded by saying that her feelings are quite varied when she watches her parents in films. She expressed her sentiments by saying, “It’s a range of feelings when I see my father – and mother – in the movies.” Cary Grant, being a celebrated actor, has left an everlasting legacy through his films. So, it’s entirely reasonable for Jennifer to have such a response towards his filmography.

He Had a Strong Vault at House

Cary Grant sought to safeguard his family from experiencing what he went through when German bombings obliterated his home and all reminiscences of his upbringing. To do so, he installed a vault resembling a bank’s in his house to house all family photos, home videos, letters, and other sentimental items. His daughter, Jennifer Grant, utilized these preserved items to create tales for her memoir.

She Misses Her Dad

Similar to all children, Jennifer, too, deeply missed her affectionate father. She shared, “There are moments when, quite unexpectedly, I find myself welling up with tears because I miss him deeply. Provided what he means to me, a mere glance or look can completely overwhelm me, like a direct pierce to my heart.” This demonstrates the significant role Grant played in his daughter’s life, largely due to how he raised her and the love he showered on her. He would have felt immense pride seeing his daughter tracing his path in the entertainment field.

A True Icon

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Cary Grant continues to be greatly adored and his films remain popular. Over the span of his career, he contributed a variety of exceptional movies. His sophisticated flair and charisma set him apart from his contemporaries. Not only was he a symbol of the 20th century, but even today’s younger generation getting to know his work, are becoming enamored by him. He will forever be etched in memory as one of the brightest stars Hollywood ever produced.
